viernes, 15 de febrero de 2019


   Hawaii is a tropical paradise that has more than just beautifulbeaches, amazing sunsets, waterfalls and reefs populated by many fish. Anyone who has visited this beautiful place known that Hawaii is diferent, unique, special and unforgettable. What makes these islands from the rest of the world? Their native culture. A culture full of fascinating customs, music, legends, traditions and values.

Resultado de imagen de honolulu
Honolulu, Hawaii-capital


   Hawaii is part of the United States of America (USA). This archipelago is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It's capital is Honolulu located on the island of Oahu.
   Hawaii is the most remote island chain in the world, formerly known as the Sandwich Islands.


   Hawaii is known as the paradise where there is always spring. You could say that it has only two seasons: summer and winter.

   It is important to highlight the amount of micro-climates that can be found on these islands. Considered one of the places in the world with more micro-climates, that is why the flora and fauna of this island are so interesting.

Resultado de imagen de hawaii
Resultado de imagen de hawaii


   Culture in Hawaii is a mix of different cultures and ethnic groups that have been there and make up its unique population.

   The Hawaiian dance is the traditional dance of the people of Hawaii that was originally a religious as a way of offering. There are different types of hula.
   Hawaiians as a culture and as people tell stories. The stories are a way of teaching others about life and customs


   In Hawaii, there are two official languages: English and the Hawaiian. However, the majority of the Hawaiian population does not speak the latter. But thanks to the initiatives of the Government and of the native peoples of Hawaii, schools have begun to teach students in the Hawaiian language.

Resultado de imagen de bandera inglesa Resultado de imagen de flechas doble direccion Resultado de imagen de bandera hawaiana


   The cultures that are more present in the Hawaiian food are the American, whose most influential dishes were made based on cereal and burgers, the Japanese, who offered a wide variety of fish dishes, and the Portuguese, whose influence is noticeable mostly in the sweet dishes.
   Anyway, due to the endemic conditions of the flora and fauna of the island, there are many dishes that can be eaten only in this destination.


                                  Kalua Pig

Lomi Lomi

 Lau Lau

What I do in Hawaii?